...when you're trying to write. This week has been my first experience of writing full time and I think I may have developed a coffee addiction. I inherited a nice new cafetiere from the landlord which I'm sure by the end of this year will be the death of me.
In between brewing coffee, drinking coffee, reheating coffee and pouring more coffee, I have been trying to structure a nice shiny submission for the free agency one-to-one for the Writing Industries Conference: http://writingindustries.com/1-2-1-guidelines/. To submit you need the first three chapters of a novel, a synopsis and a letter explaining your achievements and future goals as a writer. I'm sure my printer is feeling the end of the week blues as I decided the best way to edit my novel would be to print it off and scribble obscene and belittleing notes to myself. What I'm finding hardest is to define my achievements and my future aims. I know where I'm pointing for but I want to be realistic about where my arrow will land. Doesn't it sound corny to say to 'I want to be published'. Isn't that what everyone wants?
Anyway, I guess at the end of this week it's made me realise that I could write full time; in the sense of having the motivation, getting the work done (between coffee) and not driving myself crazy with my own company. But how does one going about achieving this goal between paying the rent? Despite the rest of the world being under water (I've developed an ear infection :( ) I have been for a few job interviews this week and have managed to find some disillusioned employer that wants me to start Monday. Which is great. But what about my writing?! Being a dedicated, serious writer along a full time job is so tiring! Of course I'm not complaining, that's what it's all about isn't it - having the drive to keep going when others would give up? But at what point does writing stop being a second hobby and start being a realistic goal? At what point do you find the balance to stop worrying about the rent and give yourself the time and space to write. Isn't that what it's all about too? Isn't that what we're all missing? Time and Space. To do the things we always really wanted to do, but never got round to.
On a more important note, I've decided from my watery brain, to stop drinking coffee for a week, before I lose any more sleep!

Friday, 22 January 2010
Monday, 18 January 2010
How to get lost in the city
I spent an hour walking around the city this morning, after attending an appointment, trying to remember which direct I lived in! At what point does a home become your home? I have signed up to everything I need now; doctors, dentist, library, registered myself to live here, bills, everything you need to declare that you now, officially, live in this place. But how long does it take until the place becomes part of you?
Due to losing my job on Friday, which I guess is a blessing in disguise because it was the most mind-numbingly boring job (also I was covering a woman who was sick which means she is better, which I guess is something) I have been spending the morning job hunting. It is my first time alone in the new flat and despite it being city centre, it is SO SILENT! Except, of course, for the monotonous hum of the fan which I am told has to be on constantly. One thing that I can't help but think is; Where have all the creative jobs gone?! It makes sense for there to be a decline in creative jobs due to the recession, creative arts is always the first thing to go as it is deemed as less important as say, academic jobs, but where does that leave creatives? Either I apply for a underchallenging office job where I am forced to have the following daily routine repeating itself in my mind; staple, print, staple, print, staple, photo copy, photo copy, staple, scan, print, print in colour, scan; and if you're lucky you get to re-arrange a filing system and have a whole cabinet as 'your responsibility' (and yes I am talking from experience), or you figure out a way to work for yourself. I assume there are other options out there but right down they aren't making themselves prominent to me. One other option, of course, would be to study, but in a climate where higher education is now so accesible and is often little about the academic gain and more about the journey of going, where will that get me? I already have a degree which is proving less of an asset then I thought it would be; where could furhter education take me from here?
In a climate where funding for creative jobs is being restricted more and more, where does that leave creatives?
Due to losing my job on Friday, which I guess is a blessing in disguise because it was the most mind-numbingly boring job (also I was covering a woman who was sick which means she is better, which I guess is something) I have been spending the morning job hunting. It is my first time alone in the new flat and despite it being city centre, it is SO SILENT! Except, of course, for the monotonous hum of the fan which I am told has to be on constantly. One thing that I can't help but think is; Where have all the creative jobs gone?! It makes sense for there to be a decline in creative jobs due to the recession, creative arts is always the first thing to go as it is deemed as less important as say, academic jobs, but where does that leave creatives? Either I apply for a underchallenging office job where I am forced to have the following daily routine repeating itself in my mind; staple, print, staple, print, staple, photo copy, photo copy, staple, scan, print, print in colour, scan; and if you're lucky you get to re-arrange a filing system and have a whole cabinet as 'your responsibility' (and yes I am talking from experience), or you figure out a way to work for yourself. I assume there are other options out there but right down they aren't making themselves prominent to me. One other option, of course, would be to study, but in a climate where higher education is now so accesible and is often little about the academic gain and more about the journey of going, where will that get me? I already have a degree which is proving less of an asset then I thought it would be; where could furhter education take me from here?
In a climate where funding for creative jobs is being restricted more and more, where does that leave creatives?
Creative Industry,
Creative Jobs,
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Next Bad Language Event!!
The next Bad Language event will be held at Nexus Art Cafe Manchester just opposite vinyl exhange, Tuesday 19th January! Starting from 6pm they will run a small workshop then hold a reading and feedback session.
Come along with a completed piece of work you wish to test on an audience or a work in progress and recieve feedback and an honest opinion. Alternatively just sit back and listen to other wonderful work!
If you're in Manchester I hope to see you there:)
For more information visit: http://www.badlanguagemcr.co.uk/
Come along with a completed piece of work you wish to test on an audience or a work in progress and recieve feedback and an honest opinion. Alternatively just sit back and listen to other wonderful work!
If you're in Manchester I hope to see you there:)
For more information visit: http://www.badlanguagemcr.co.uk/
Monday, 11 January 2010
A Warm Welcome to the City
The streets are full of ice!Manchester welcomes me with dragons breath and glass. My first few hesitant steps into life in Manchester and already I am excited about what's to come; readings readings readings! Will join the library tommorrow and get my nose stuck in.
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